Freedom-Project Link Listing
1 | .buzz
2 | .org
3 | .one
4 | .space
5 | .space
6 | .org
7 | .buzz
8 | .space
9 | .space
10 | .org
11 | .sbs
12 | .buzz
13 | .sbs
14 | .space
15 | .space
16 | .one
17 | .org
18 | .one
19 | .buzz
20 | .space
21 | .space
22 | .sbs
23 | .space
Link Listing .cloud
Link Listing .org
Link Listing .shop
Currently only working & unbIocked link for Northisde ISD | 8 | .space
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2 Domains will be rotated, 1511 and pseudolo
3 New discord exclusive proxy links
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Every so often, the mirror sites will change or go down, join the dlscord (for more mirrors too) or have the main site ( saved
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